When the sun enters the Virgo Zodiac, the month of Pratachasi is born. This month is considered the liberation month of Pithru. Our ancestor, the late Pithru, lived in the world. When the sun enters the Virgo Zodiac, Yeman orders them to go to Earth. They come here, seeking their relationships. They will stay on Earth for 15 days, from tomorrow's newborn to the new moon.
This means "Mahalaya Patcham", which means "15 days".
In these days we have to daydream and quench their thirst. These days we have to dabble daily and solve their thirst. Those who deserve to be honored. In this case, Parani will be called "Mahaparani", Ashtami, "Madhyashtami" and Troyo Dasi as "Kazhachai .
All these three days are worthy of Pithru worship. September month, the makalaya on- made pitur prayer (this year other amavacaikalaik than beneficial. Mahalaya rule, the sixteen days pitruk s Anna cirattam to do, Ian gold, etc. objects takuntavarkalukkut donation can make. September is a month of fasting and Gad, pure vegetable grain food vakaikalaiya Subsisting, Tulsi water sipping, his glowing books, recitation and thus should cherish. Some come September all Saturdays, or any valipatuvatuntu specially created offering a Saturday. Paracaktikkuriya ritual that month. Navaratri Puja is celebrated in this month. September is a month of worship and other spiritual institutions Ainta is in. So in this month, making regular valipatukalaic, the gods and the ancestors of the grace and blessings we receive. September month we will know the benefit of the zodiac.
This means "Mahalaya Patcham", which means "15 days".
In these days we have to daydream and quench their thirst. These days we have to dabble daily and solve their thirst. Those who deserve to be honored. In this case, Parani will be called "Mahaparani", Ashtami, "Madhyashtami" and Troyo Dasi as "Kazhachai .
All these three days are worthy of Pithru worship. September month, the makalaya on- made pitur prayer (this year other amavacaikalaik than beneficial. Mahalaya rule, the sixteen days pitruk s Anna cirattam to do, Ian gold, etc. objects takuntavarkalukkut donation can make. September is a month of fasting and Gad, pure vegetable grain food vakaikalaiya Subsisting, Tulsi water sipping, his glowing books, recitation and thus should cherish. Some come September all Saturdays, or any valipatuvatuntu specially created offering a Saturday. Paracaktikkuriya ritual that month. Navaratri Puja is celebrated in this month. September is a month of worship and other spiritual institutions Ainta is in. So in this month, making regular valipatukalaic, the gods and the ancestors of the grace and blessings we receive. September month we will know the benefit of the zodiac.
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