GURUPEYARCHI PALANGAL 2019 - 2020 in Tamil | GURU TRANSIT 2019 IN TAMIL PEYARCHI | குருப் பெயர்ச்சி பலன்கள் 2019 RASI PALAN - Trend Speaks

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

GURUPEYARCHI PALANGAL 2019 - 2020 in Tamil | GURU TRANSIT 2019 IN TAMIL PEYARCHI | குருப் பெயர்ச்சி பலன்கள் 2019 RASI PALAN

Jupiter Transit in Sagittarius( 5th November 2019 - 20th November 2020)
Jupiter (Guru) is known to be a planet of abundance, opportunity, wisdom and consider as most auspicious planet in the Astrology. Jupiter is a ruling planet of Punarvasu, Vishakha, Purvabhadrapad nakshatra(constellation). And the ruling planet of Sagittarius and Pisces sign.

On Tuesday, 5 November 2019, Jupiter will be transiting through its mooltrikona sign (Sagittarius ) for next 13 months. Jupiter’s transit through its Mooltrikona sign empowers us to feel more optimistic, hopeful, adventurous and interested in matters of faith and Spirituality. With this transit somewhat all the Moon signs will experience some ease in their ongoing difficult times. This transit will bring some positive news to all the Moon signs but this transit will be very promising for all fire signs, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. In the houses or the signs where the nakshatras(Moola, Purvashada, Uttarashada) falls will become more action oriented during this transit. The presence of Saturn and Ketu in Sagitarius will little bit impact on the result of this transit. Good results when it transit through Uttarashada, Punarvasu, Vishakha and Uttrabhadrpad nakshatra(constellations). Jupiter will give mixed result while passing through the nakshatras(contellations), Ardra, Satbisha, Hasta and Swati.

Sagittarius is a 9th sign in the Kalpurush chart and it denotes ones believe system, Spiritualism, expansion, long distance travel and your eternal being. People come under this sign are known to be as freedom lover, fun loving people and very optimistic by nature. Jupiter in the sign of Sagittarius denotes the Spiritual fire within you to explore the real meaning of one's existence in this world. Being in Sagittarius sign Jupiter will shower us with a higher end of confidence without restrictions. If you are doing something from a long time to satisfy the need of your relationship or work related matters, during this phase you may feel the urge to break those restrictions and see life as a big picture.

This combination will also bring changes into international and domestic affairs between countries, this will give perspective to resolve the matters with dialogues rather than war.
It will give the new perspective of faith and believe system and one can experience the wisdom in their thinking pattern. It will give you the insight to plan your life and make important decisions as this sign symbolizes with the archer who is aiming high. The chances are more to see the religious extremism in some part of the world.

You feel the urge to expand your horizon by possible means like, learning new things, travel or adding new experiences to your life. You can experience meeting with new people of different culture or bring changes to your current life style. It will give the optimism to fight the battle or argument if you think you are right without compromising.

If Jupiter is placed malefic or aspect-ed by malefic in the chart, it can impact these areas of your life, problem in education, progeny, liver, digestive system, gastric, obesity, death of elders in family.
Last time Jupiter transited through Sagittarius was in November 2007- December 2008. The important events happened through out the world during this phase like, Assassination of former Pakistani leader Benazir Bhutto, a major earth quake in china and former US president Barack Obama won presidency in Nov. 2008. The major stock market crash in 2008, badly impacted the lives of so many people, once the Jupiter reached its height being in Moolatrikona sign(its maximum height) the next sign is Capricorn where Jupiter gets debilitated. There would be chance of recession kind of situation during the last quarter of Year 2020. So, the people who are into stock market or have any sort of investments are advised to take precautions. The chances of assassination or conspiracy against a popular political leader could be expected during the last quarter of this transit.
Jupiter is a controller of all the important aspects of one's life. This planet of growth and expansion will benefit the areas such as , higher education, house, purchase of vehicle, travel, promotion, marriage, recognition and progeny and long distance journey, finding mentor and interest in Spiritualism. In some cases Jupiter transits only gives 10 % to 20% of benefits to the native it more likely to get. During this transit you need to become more action oriented in the area's of your life where Jupiter transiting is going to take place in terms to reap benefit of this transit. At the same time native's ongoing dasha and and Ashtarvarga points should also be considered before making the prediction regarding one's horoscope. Given below is the throughout transit of Jupiter;

Jupiter enters Moola nakshatra (ruled by Ketu) on 5th nov 2019
Purvashada nakshatra(ruled by Venus) on 4th Jan 2020
Uttarashada nakshatra(ruled by Sun) on 8th March
On March 2020, it will enter ito Capricorn sign
It will be Retrograde on 14th May 2020
Returning back in Sagittarius on 30th June 2020
Direct on 13th September 2020

Enter Capricorn on 20th Nov 2020

Tags:gurupeyarchi 2019 gurupeyarchi 2018 gurupeyarchi palangal gurupeyarchi palangal 2018 gurupeyarchi palan gurupeyarchi palangal 2018 tamil gurupeyarchi 2020 gurupeyarchi palan 2018 gurupeyarchi palangal 2019 gurupeyarchi 2019 to 2020 gurupeyarchi palangal 2018 in tamil gurupeyarchi palangal 2018 to 2019 in tamil

1 comment:

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