Delhi police which busted a spot fixing racket in the Indian Premier League. The Delhi police has been on the trail of this operation since the past 20 days and acting on tip offs from the Intelligence Bureau (Crime Wing), they were able to bust this racket.
Sources in the department tell us that the matter is under investigation, but there is prima facie evidence to show that these players (Sreesanth, Ajith Chandila and Ankit) who have been arrested were involved. The call records are a crucial piece of evidence for the Delhi police and say that most of the spot fixing was done on phone. We are yet to find out the number of matches in which there has been spot fixing. However we are confident and sure that the syndicate which orchestrated this was from Bombay.
In all we suspect that there are over 15 bookies involved in this case, Delhi police sources say. While seven have been arrested already, we are on the look out for more of them who are from the neighbouring states. It has a nation wide ramification and the investigation could well lead to more names.
The first time that the crime wing of the Intelligence Bureau put out an alert regarding spot fixing in the IPL was during the Chinnaswamy stadium blasts. The alert was shared with the then Home MInister, Dr V S Acharya who had confirmed that there was spot fixing and the blasts were a result of the same.
Although the Bangalore police did not probe that angle into the case, there was a lot of data that was gathered which suggested massive betting during the IPL. Most of the spot fixing takes place in Bombay as the biggest syndicate exists over there. Bookies have been in touch with players who are vulnerable and seek out information for a certain sum of money.
Delhi police sources say that in this particular case there were specific inputs and information regarding the team and other details had been allegedly shared. In addition to this there has also been some information which suggests that the players under the scanner had facilitated the bookies during the games that they played in. The fact is that we have been on their trail for almost a month now and the details do suggest a prima facie case.
The Delhi police say that they are seeking the co-opperation of the Rajasthan Royals, the team that these players belong to. The bookies who have been picked up are being questioned about the other players that are involved in this betting racket and we belieive that there are more involved. We focused on these players since the input and alerts were specific to them.
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