21st March – 20th April
At some point this month you are going to feel like you’ve come full circle on a particular issue you’ve been looking for answers to. The good news is you aren’t chasing your tail on this, the very awareness you are back where you started actually means the solution is soon to appear. It’s likely to coincide somehow with the new moon on the23rd, but before that, grin and bear some work challenges on the 4th, 12th and 19th; and midmonth allow love to go with the flow, when friendship might turn into romance, or romance might turn into friendship.
21st April – 21st May
Let the momentum slowly build, no need to push the pace for January. Up to midmonth you might be pondering new perspectives on purchases and finance; or perhaps literally experiencing new vistas as travel is in there too, especially around the 12th. Around the 14th friendship feels satisfying, as does any group participation or teamwork. From the 21st its all about career and longterm ambition; new moon on 23rd inspires you to expansion, but don’t stretch the leaps of faith too much or you’ll feel like you’re making promises you don’t believe you can keep; it’s a slow build up remember.
22nd May – 21st June
Your ruler Mercury is at odds with feisty Mars on the 1st, which means squabbles or sharp words might make you feel you’ve got 2012 off on the wrong foot, but fear not, it’s not the end of the story as a new peace you can trust is developing from strong desire to clear up old disagreements. See what happens around the 21st regarding this. But before that, enjoy a freedom orientated full moon on the 9th, and some spellbinding intensity in love and romance from the 13th. Confidence is shaky from the 19th so work at a perspective that works for you.
22nd June – 22nd July
You are bound to ruffle a few feathers early January, as your focus, and therefore your direction, is set on getting the best out of 2012 no matter what. Others will have other ideas about what’s best at times, simply because they are used to you being a certain way, or used to them having their own way. But a full moon in your own sign on the 9th amplifies your unwillingness to compromise on your quest for the best, emotionally. About time too. Midmonth, romance sweeps you off your feet, and from the 21st you stop trying to control the uncontrollable.
23rd July – 23rd August
You have some unexpected changes to your routine first half of this month, some of which are down to your own bright ideas, some come seemingly out the blue. From midmonth there’s a true romantic atmosphere; not too soft and slushy though, as communication is solid, supportive and productive. There are some secrets too, but not everything has to be up for discussion just now (perhaps from 23rd under an enlightening new moon). From the 19th don’t undermine yourself with shaky self-belief; mostly because others can take advantage and get bossy unless you stand firm with faith in yourself.
24th August – 22nd September
It’s going to take some focus to respond rather than react, and sometimes retreat is the fastest way forward as January gets underway; one situation in particular seems to have gathered a momentum, but there’s light at the end of the tunnel on that one, possibly coming into view around the 21st. A full moon on the 11th brings surprises and delights linked to friendships old and new, and let love rule from the 14th, when Venus begins a journey through your relationship zone, and don’t argue for your limitations from the 19th, especially when it comes to finances.
23rd September – 23rd October
It’s so easy to get the wrong end of the stick with others as January begins, as certain people seem to be saying one thing and doing another. It might seem that once started there’s no stopping it, but misunderstandings can cease from around the 21st, when a burst of clarity brings forth order from any chaos. Use the full moon on the 10th to evaluate your real emotions about current long-term plans (especially when it comes to career direction), and midmonth is seriously special for romance, when it’s great for new love or renewal of love.
24th October – 22nd November
Grievances that come to light as January gets underway can niggle on, simply because it all seems to strike right in your self-esteem, but it’s much easier to rise above it all as the month goes on, especially around the 21st when a real solution presents itself that doesn’t want to mess with your pride. New, sometimes revolutionary, views and perspectives are coming with a mind-opening, eye-opening full moon on the 9th, which makes you ready to speak your truth on the 13th. Love and romance looks up from the 14th; especially on the 14th itself.
23rd November – 21st December
Sag has a reputation for blunt speaking, which can be one of your most endearing qualities when you’re feeling in tune with yourself and the world, but as January opens, you’re a bit at odds with everything, including yourself, so it’s easy to put your foot right in it, especially at work. Damage limitation might be the best way forward till the 21st, when things seem to right themselves, but a new moon on the 23rd also links to communication, challenging you to keep the faith and your perspective. Success means speak only when you feel ready, not when others need you to.
22nd December – 20th January
Mercury into your sign from the 8th means everything seems to revolve around communication all month. For example, during a relationship focused full moon on the 9th, it all links to home and family matters, as well as finding freedom from the ghosts of memories past, and around the 13th you’re a super sleuth when it comes to information gathering, but cool-headed and coy when it comes to revealing your own secrets. Oh, and on the 27th words only fail you whenever you fear the word failure; so don’t.
21st January – 18th February
Old communication issues around friendships or groups come back to haunt at the beginning of January, but there’s resolution and solution around the 21st. Full moon on the 9th is full of divine dream inspiration for you, so let intuitive messages reveal themselves. Midmonth you are loved up and feeling like you’re in heaven with the door shut, especially on the 13th. The sun energises your sign from the 21st with your annual new moon on the 23rd which is great for setting goals and seeding intentions, especially related to home and family, as Jupiter is encouraging expansion there.
19th February – 20th March
Relationships looking at a long range view (especially work relationships) are challenging to say the least as January gets going, but this clears around the 21st thanks to your team spirit and dedication to the bigger picture. Romance has a fate-filled feel to it from midmonth, in the nicest of ways, especially around the 13th. When Venus moves into your sign from the 14th there’s development and expansion through communication; at that time you have the magic touch when it comes to getting a positive message across, so use it on the 19th when limitation planet Saturn seems out to curb your party mood.
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