Aries (மேஷம்) Horoscope 2012 (Mar 21 – Apr 20): Relationships are rewarding and they have farmed for years are beginning to bear fruit. Now you can clearly decide what is useful and which are not. Contact the couple becomes more fluid with stronger ties. At the time of taking sex as a sacred rite and seek pleasure in satisfying your partner. It is a month of awards that can be leveraged to try their luck in the game or to ask what to do now that they have escaped.
Taurus (ரிஷபம்) Horoscope 2012 (21 May-June 21): You are ready to fight for power and success. However, his efforts may find considerable resistance in others. Without wishing to question anyone may participate in a difficult situation with the authorities. Defend what you believe it, but first make sure no mistakes. Legal conflicts. Avoid the traps of unscrupulous people.
Gemini (மிதுனம்) Horoscope 2012 (May 23-Jun 20): Impatient react badly to stress. Such restrictions remove the disturbing side of your personality and put all his energy to defend your way of being an alleged sexual assault. Seeking the best place, and reject those that are not allocated a seat on privilege. The best solution is to work alone, he fetches your requirement level is high. If you travel all the places you visit seem trivial.
Cancer (கடகம்) Horoscope 2012 (Jun 21-Jul 20): Now you see a good job they undertake. Excellent expand its current business, start a new or region. I am not particularly interested in being with other people. It ‘a good time to get rid of thinking and things just to define the objectives clearly. It could take a paternalistic attitude of some people around who want to protect and to consider their problems.
Leo (சிம்மம்) Horoscope 2012 (Jul 21 – Aug 22.): Start the year organizing the outstanding issues that were left. More relaxed as the gathering of old friends on the other. Loves display a hitherto unknown side. If you are a couple, living together will be easier and enjoyable. If you are alone you may feel attracted to someone who is different from those known so far. Be prepared for the challenge.
Virgo (கன்னி) Horoscope 2012 (Aug 23 – 22 Sep). People know who exchange favors. If you lived in a circle of friends and acquaintances relatively low, it will expand and meet people who normally would not have any means of contact, including the rich, famous or authorities. Just be careful not to get involved with these people for superficial reasons, so make sure you can pass through. You must be careful not to assume a haughty attitude and thinks he is better than it is.
Libra (துலாம்) Horoscope 2012 (23 Sep – 22 Oct): stability. You have a true picture of where you are. It’s highly unlikely to try to become independent and take their business. We tend to engage in businesses that are not completely safe, all you need to succeed. The ability to use his position, profitable and prestigious. However, it seems that everything is predictable, and all life seems to some of the monotony.
Scorpio (விருச்சிகம்) Horoscope 2012 (23 Oct-21 Nov): Possibility of a business that shows surprising that lead to success. Personal image and entertainment are important. It focuses on learning to relax responsibilities. Will promote communication and help you express in the arts and their relationship with their children or disciples. If there are obstacles in your relationship with them this month is ideal to make them disappear.
Sagittarius (தனுசு) Horoscope 2012 (22 Nov-Dec 20) : Experience aspects of both the life around you as you, who until now had been hidden or inaccessible to reason. Your personal magnetism opens doors that other socially and sometimes outside admires your sincerity and belief in what you do, even if they do not share your point of view.
Capricorn (மகரம்) Horoscope (21 DEC -20 Jan) is usually neglected to indulge in pleasures and enjoy. Entertainment and love comes from the stars. Free expression of feelings. Native rejects the concept of archaic and repressive society. Many of the emotional possibilities, but few who really likes. You can benefit from the gambling or the generosity of the family. Women surprised the natives of Capricorn unexpected gifts;
Aquarius (கும்பம்) Horoscope 2012 (January 21 to February 18.): Until 10 January pessimistic. Costs exceed your budget, and should evaluate ways to avoid this situation continue. 11 to date, there will be surprises in the affective domain. Maybe you start a love story exciting and unusual. Anything can happen on a journey that has significant impact later in life. As end of the month is near your freedom grows and your ability to solve problems of importance as well.
Pisces (மீனம்) Horoscope 2012 (February 18-March 20): At this stage of your life in relationships can become confusing and difficult. You can meet people who are trying to prevent him from leaving the context of the actions that have been made for years. This is not a good time to visit any kind of negotiations or the contract, even if people are totally honest bargaining. Less involved you are in a situation, they have more freedom to do what he wants.
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